Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Year 4

Primary 4 have had a very exciting start to their new school year. We have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum and exploring our solar system and what life is like in space. Who knows in the future we may have another Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin!

In Numeracy, among other concepts, we have begun work on fractions and all took part in a ‘Fraction Workshop’ to help us develop our understanding of what a fraction is. Our activities included making fraction pies with playdough, finding quarters of numbers using cubes, playing the fraction game Auntie Pasta and making fraction flags in ICT.

We have also used out Ipads to research our topic of space and help us write a report on Neil Armstrong. Some of us have also used the Ipads to research topics we have read about in our guided reading books.

In ICT we have started Film and Animation. In our task entitled I Come in Peace we are making a film of an alien coming through space to land on earth and make friends with us. Not only are we developing our ICT skills we are also developing the very important skills of being able to share ideas and work together.

P4 & Mrs McKeown

Animators at work!
Img 1853
Img 1851
Coding with Scratch
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