Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Parent Curriculum Overview

Each term we issue a Parent Curriculum Overview to let you know what your child is doing in their school work. The Parents’ Curriculum Overview will focus on:

The theme/topic that the children are studying. Through the World Around Us subjects: science, geography and history the pupils will learn about their topic. There will also be opportunities to develop literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. Topic work is also an excellent way to develop art, religion, drama and PDMU (Personal Development & Mutual Understanding).

Hopefully you will be able to support the children by talking to them about their theme; helping to research the topic through library visits / on-line research; or taking the children on educational visits.

The Parents’ Curriculum Overview will also inform you about what the pupils are doing each term in mathematics, literacy and ICT so that you can support learning at home. You will also find useful information about PE days, homeworks or other important events happening during the term.

We hope you find it useful!

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