Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


Primary 5 Fire Talk

20th April 2023

The Primary 5 class were delighted when Firefighters Eamonn and Richie, from Ballymena Fire Station, came to...

Book Fair

18th April 2023

The Travelling Book Fair will be in the school from Thursday 27 April until Tuesday 2 May, opening from 2.10 -...

Trócaire 2023

6th April 2023

Our Trócaire total for 2023 is: £949.91. Thank-you to everyone in the school community who helped raise...

The Easter Story

6th April 2023

Film and Animation was a focus for all year groups during Term 2. In Primary 4, a group of children have...

Mary Swann

6th April 2023

Our thanks to Mary Swann, who after twenty-six years as building supervisor in Cargan, will now be retiring...

PTA Easter Hamper Raffle Winners

5th April 2023

Congratulations to our 3 Easter Hamper winners in Cargan and our 3 winners in Martinstown (photos below). The...

Arrangements for Final Week of Term

5th April 2023

Y2 Mass Tuesday @ 9.10 a.m. in the church. Trócaire Wednesday is the final day for the copper coin...

Easter Services

5th April 2023

Holy Thursday 9 am Morning Prayer 7 pm Mass of the Last Supper Good Friday 9 am Morning Prayer 3 pm...

Easter Egg Competition Winners

4th April 2023

Congratulations to our Easter Egg Competition Winners, courtesy of Spar (Martinstown). There a few children...

Singing Exams

3rd April 2023