Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


Prize Day 2023

16th June 2023

Congratulations to all of the children who were Sports Day winners and recipients of individual awards at...

More AR Millionaires

15th June 2023

That's the final AR Millionaires for 2022-23. We love they way MQP pupils stick at it right to the end. 8...

Farm Safety Talk

14th June 2023

Primary Three and Primary Four enjoyed a very informative talk about Farm Safety by David from the HSENI. The...

Primary 6 Visit St Louis' Grammar School

14th June 2023

A super morning in St Louis' Grammar School. We began our morning having a ‘bushtucker’ trail taste test...

Mrs Martina Pirie: Retirement from the Board of Governors

13th June 2023

After ten years' of service to the Board of Governors, Mrs Martina Pirie has retired from her role. We would...

Booking School Meals

12th June 2023

Our school dinners come from an outside canteen and are not cooked on site. It is important, in planning for...

Sports Day 2023

Sports Day 2023

9th June 2023

Sports Day 2023 brought great fun and the sun to Glenravel. Our theme for the day was sweets, which is not a...

AR Millionaire

8th June 2023

A three time AR Millionaire: Primary 5, Primary 6 (double millionaire) and Primary 7! Congratulations.

All County Champions!

7th June 2023

Congratulations to the MQP girls…they are now All County Football Champions! What a fantastic afternoon at...

Take 5 Award for the School

7th June 2023

We have achieved our Take 5, Level 1 Accreditation. Well done everyone. The pupils have spent this first year...