Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


School Photographer

24th September 2021

The School Photographer will be visiting Mary Queen of Peace PS on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 September.

All-Ireland Minor Camogie Champions in MQP

23rd September 2021

Congratulations to our former pupils, Orla Donnelly and Sarah Fyfe, who were part of the successful Antrim...

Antrim Camogie: Laoise McKenna

22nd September 2021

We welcomed Laoise McKenna back to her old primary school, to mark Antrim Camogie's All-Ireland Intermediate...


22nd September 2021

Please find a link to our latest e-Newsletter:

Wellbeing Wednesday - Week 1

22nd September 2021

This week our 'Health Hero' is Professor Pinwheel. He is helping us to learn the superpower of using breathing...

Primary 1: Welcome to MQP

21st September 2021

This is quite a year in MQP, with 50 pupils joining us in Primary 1. We also have pupils who have joined us...

Staffing: Welcome to MQP

20th September 2021

We welcome to the school Miss Ciara McLaughlin who will be teaching in Primary 1, 6 and 7. A big MQP welcome...


20th September 2021

ICT is an important priority area for development in Mary Queen of Peace PS, both in the curriculum and...

Wellbeing Wednesday – Health Heroes

20th September 2021

Wellbeing Wednesday is back in MQP. Defeat The Negatron! Each week all of the classes will be introduced to a...

Congratulations to the Antrim Minor Camogie Team

20th September 2021

It has been a brilliant week for camogie in Antrim and Glenravel. Congratulations to our past pupils, Sarah...