Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


St. Patrick's Day: Green Day

11th March 2021

It's Green Day on Tuesday 16 March and we would like the children to dress in green. This year shouldn't be...


10th March 2021

Wednesday - another AR @ Home winner! GO MQP!

AR @ Home XXII

9th March 2021

It's the Famous Five for Tuesday's AR @ Home treats. Well done boys and girls.

AR @ Home XXI

8th March 2021

A new week for AR @ Home and another prize winners. Keep it going!

Return to School for Ys 1 - 3

8th March 2021

Primary 1 - 3 returned to face-to-face teaching and, importantly, to meeting their friends again. It was truly...

Mathletics - Gold Awards

7th March 2021

Congratulations! We have had more ‘Gold Mathletics’ certificates delivered this week. We hope you enjoy...

AR @ Hone XX

5th March 2021

Friday night, delivery night. Congratulations to our AR @ Home prize winners. Enjoy the treat.

PTA Laptop Arrivals

5th March 2021

We would like to say thank you to our PTA who have had a successful application for the the Rural Micro...

World Book Day 2021

4th March 2021

World Book Day 2021 was still celebrated in style in Mary Queen of Peace despite not being in school! The...

AR @ Home XIX

4th March 2021

Nineteen times during the current lockdown Mrs McKeown has got on her AR scooter and delivered AR @ Home...