Art Cart
16th April 2019
The Art Cart arrived in school as a treat for the cast of AnnieJr. The children had the chance to enjoy both...
London College of Music
14th April 2019
Congratulations to three of our Y6 pupils who passed their London College of Music examinations. Super...
Final Spring League
13th April 2019
SPRING LEAGUE 2019 Kerry and Dublin held off against stiff competition and a stiffer breeze to claim their...
11th April 2019
Congratulations to all of the boys and girls in Key Stage 2 for treating us to the wonderful musical –...
Half the Easter Pot II
11th April 2019
Our second winner of the Easter Half the Pot was Laoise McKenna. This was a monster pot £385– so very,...
Boys' Gaelic Football
11th April 2019
The boys took part in their final tournament of the year - the INTO Mini 7s in Creggan GAC. A tough day, when...
Spring League: Week 4
10th April 2019
SPRING LEAGUE - WEEK 4 Another glorious afternoon on Saturday last, saw us reach the penultimate week of...
Year 1 Make Swamp Soup
9th April 2019
Our Year 1 pupils were very busy preparing a very healthy 'swamp soup'. It was so delicious, some even had...
Year 4 Shared Education 2019 Lipsync Dance
8th April 2019
The children had so much fun putting this dance 'TOGETHER' with their new friends from Camphill Primary...