Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Sports Day

12th June 2018

Sports Day is such an important part of school life.  A day that the children and their parents look forward...

Lucky Squares on Sale this Weekend After Mass

29th May 2018

Lucky Squares will be on sale after each mass, this weekend.  Members of staff and parents will be selling...

First Holy Communion

10th May 2018

Congratulations to our First Holy Communion class.  Everyone at home and in school is so proud of you.  We...

Confirmation 2018


19th April 2018

Congratulations to our Year 7 class who received the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are very...

Playground Buddy Benches

14th April 2018

 Mary Queen of Peace Primary School wish to thank our PTA, The Public Health Agency and the North Antrim...

PTA Fundraising

18th March 2018

Mary Queen of Peace PTA wish to thank our school community for their support during our recent fundraising...

PTA Meeting

12th March 2018

PTA Meeting:  Thursday 15 March @ 6.45 p.m. in Martinstown. All welcome. We would particularly appreciate the...

World Maths Day: Family Maths Quiz

10th March 2018

World Maths Day will take place in the school on Monday 12 March 2018.  To get ready for the day we staged a...

World Maths Day: Buy a Number

10th March 2018

Mary Queen of Peace PTA in conjunction with World Maths Day are inviting children to ‘buy a number’.  By...

PTA: Family Maths Quiz

6th March 2018

World Maths Day is on Monday 12 March.  Throughout the day the children will be involved in a variety of...