Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Shared Education Celebration @ MQP

8th April 2019


The first year of the Shared Education partnership with Camphill PS, Ballymena has concluded.  It has been a very positive year and relationships have successfully been built with the pupils and staff of Camphill PS.

The 2018-19 school year has been a year of fun and hard work.  The children have worked together to create friendship animations.  They are well worth viewing and the standard of the children’s ICT work is incredibly high.

We finished the year with celebration assemblies in both schools.  Thank-you to our parents who turned up in such great numbers to support the children, the school and our vision of sharing in education.  We also appreciated the support of governors and the PTA on the day.

This was an important day for our school and we are proud of the children’s achievements, in both schools.

Strictly speaking it isn’t exactly the last day of the project as there is one last trip away together.  Enjoy it children because you deserve it.

Please enjoy the photographs and films below. 

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