Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Warm, Well & Connected

12th March 2021


More grant success for our PTA...'Warm, Well and Connected'. What an exciting grant this is for all our children at MQP. With this grant, we have been able to provide every child in MQP with a 'Well-being Pack'.

The contents of the ‘Well-being Pack’ include a Mother’s Day Card to decorate, a flower pot to decorate, some sunflower seeds to plant as an Easter activity, a mindfulness book, some mindful colouring pages, a hurling/camogie ball, a little wish jar to write notes of hopes and dreams, a small prayer card and a medium Easter egg.

We hope everyone enjoys their special pack.

The 'Warm, Well & Connected' Programme' is managed by NACN and funded by DfC & DAERA.

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22 Fb2 Ffe 3459 4 Cf5 A8 Ea 796 F05 Ff39 Bd
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7 Bb02 C10 Be73 47 E4 Ae2 E 6502 E5532 C70
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