Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Transfer to Post-Primary School

2nd February 2021


Principal/Parent Post-Primary Transfer Meetings will begin on 22 February 202, ahead of the online Post-Primary School Transfer process. See key dates below:

Key Dates

2 February 2021

Admissions criteria published for post-primary schools

1 March 2021

Post-primary applications open at 12 noon for parents to make an application for their child

16 March 2021

Post-primary applications closes at 4 p.m.

March – June 2021

Post-primary schools consider applications and apply their admissions criteria to select applicants. EA moves those applications that have not been selected to their next preference school for consideration, through a clearing-house system, until applicants have either been selected by a school or parental preferences exhausted.

19 June 2021

Parents access the outcome of their child’s application via the online portal

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