Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


4th November 2019


Mary Queen of Peace PS have teamed up with Clough PS, Rasharkin PS and St. Patrick's PS (Rasharkin) to take part in a shared education project through the medium of Information Communication Technology (ICT). For the first six weeks of the project the children have been designing virtual reality 3D animations, which has extended the work they have already been doing in the area of Film & Animation. This work will be shared between the four schools and then uploaded for parents to view (details to follow).

The training is provided by a company called Trailblazers who have been working with the school and parent volunteers. We are very grateful to the parents who have kindly assisted us in this work.

Just before Hallowe’en the children moved on to Game Design. It would be fair to say that there is fair bit of interest in this part of the programme!

Exciting times and we will update you on how the children's work and skills are progressing.

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