The Sunshine Project Graduation
14th May 2021

Congratulations to all the children in MQP who have now completed their 6 week wellbeing programme delivered by Michelle Major from 'The Sunshine Project'. The children have all built up confidence, resilience, relaxation techniques and how to manage their feelings and emotions in a calm, positive way.
Be Happy Kids - Y1 to Y3
This fun programme was specifically designed to help support young children with their emotional wellbeing, confidence, concentration and focus. This was completed by engaging with fun themes through movement, breathing, positive affirmations and relaxation techniques.
Be Cool, Be Calm - Y4 to Y7
This cool programme introduced children to CALM techniques to help them create their own inner-peace, build resilience, confidence and focus. It empowers the children with positive skills to reduce worry & anxiety, helping them to regulate their emotions & relax their body.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 5

Year 6 MCA

Year 6 S

Year 7