Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Seesaw Success

6th October 2020


Seesaw is our newest online communication and learning platform at MQP, for children and families in Year 1 to Year 3. Seesaw is used to demonstrate and share learning, complete blended learning activities and celebrate pupil achievements that take place in school and at home. When teachers share learning or pictures in the Seesaw portfolio, families gain valuable insights into what their child is doing and therefore can better support their development at home during the academic year.

Seesaw has been a very positive online communication tool for our school and families, with many parents highlighting that they enjoy receiving photos of their children in school. Parents can then use this to start conversations with their child about what they are doing in school.

We hope that getting an insight into your child’s school life is allowing you to experience and visually see what your child is doing in school and the fun they are having at MQP.

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