Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Primary 6 Google Classroom

2nd April 2020


We hope everyone is well and we miss you.

We have launched Google Classroom this week for Primary 7, very successfully, and now we would like to do the same for Primary 6. Mrs McAlister and Mr McKenna have created a Google Classroom to keep in contact with the children to find out how things are going and how the learning at home work is progressing.

Google Classroom allows us to set up a secure online classroom which the children and school staff can access. This will be new for the children and there may be a few difficulties getting it set up initially.

Please find attached instructions for accessing Google Classroom through the C2K My School system, which the children use in school. This is the best platform for accessing Google Classroom because it provides the best online security. The Google Classroom is monitored and the children need to understand that their online activity and comments will be monitored. An e-Safety chat with your child regarding the correct online etiquette may be needed before they begin posting. This is really important and something parents need to particularly do at this time.

The children need to know their C2k logins (Username & Password) which they use in school. If there is a problem with the C2K login please email the school to

The Class Code to access the Primary 6 Google Classroom will be sent to you by text.

Mrs McAlsiter, Mr McKenna and I will respond to posts during school hours and we look forward to finding out how our Primary 6 class are at this time.

Best wishes to you and your family.

M Conlon


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