Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


Children's Mental Health Week 2022

11th February 2022

This year the theme for Children's Mental Health Week is Growing Together. In MQP we placed a focus on...

Gold Mathletics Awards

11th February 2022

Congratulations to all the children in MQP who have received a Gold Mathletics Award in the final week before...

World Around Us in Primary 6

10th February 2022

As part of the World Around Us theme for Term II, Primary 6 had a fantastic educational visit from Michael...

Wellbeing Wednesday - MEActive School Sport and Physical Activity Programme

9th February 2022

Over the last five weeks all the children in MQP have had the opportunity to engage in the MEActive School...

Outdoor Learning in the Foundation Stage

7th February 2022

In the Foundation Stage, the children have been enjoying a wide range of outdoor learning experiences. Our...

Accelerated Reader (AR)

7th February 2022

Another AR Millionaire - our first Y7 for 2021-22. Fantastic news and enjoy your well earned prize. AR is a...

Con Magee's GAC: Boys' Football U11

7th February 2022

Preparation for the new football season begins over the mid-term. Good luck boys.

Safer Internet Day 2022

6th February 2022

Safer Internet Day 2022 will be celebrated on Tuesday 8th February with the theme, ‘All fun and games?...

Children's Mental Health Week 2022

4th February 2022

Children's Mental Health Week 2022 is taking place 7th-13th February. The theme this year is  Growing...

Accelerated Reader Millionaire

4th February 2022

Congratulations to our latest Accelerated Reader (AR) Millionaire, who has read 1,000,000 words in just five...