Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


Prize Day 2022

Prize Day 2022

17th June 2022

Congratulations to all our prize winners and their families from Mary Queen of Peace’s 2022 Prize Day. It...

Mathletics Gold Certificate Winners

17th June 2022

Well done to all our Gold Certificate winners this week.

Shared Education with Camphill PS

17th June 2022

A wonderful year of partnership with our friends in Camphill PS is drawing to a close. We...

Glenravel Community First Responders' Training

17th June 2022

Please see information from Glenravel Community First Responders about training on Monday 20 June 2022 @ 7.30...

Active Kids' Summer Camp

17th June 2022

Please see information from Active Kids' Summer Camp.

Year 7 Visit W5

16th June 2022

The Primary 7 had a great day in W5. After their animation workshop, the children had lots of time to explore...

Dinner Menu Update

16th June 2022

Updated 16 June 2022.Last two weeks of term - dinner menu as follows:- Monday 20 June:- Fish Fingers, Peas...

AR June Millionaires

14th June 2022

It may be mid-June but two of our P7 pupils have pushed hard to meet their personal Accelerated Reader target...

Primary 1: GAA Summer Camp

14th June 2022

Con Óg Camp Registration is now open. Our Con Óg camp will run alongside our annual Cúl Camp from Monday 8...

Community Litter Pick

13th June 2022

Primary 6 children joined the residents' association for a community litter pick in Cargan and Martinstown. We...