Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


October: The Month of the Rosary

18th October 2019

Thank you to Fr. Conor who presented every child in the school with a Mission Rosary during October - The...

Ulster Colleges' Camogie All-Star

16th October 2019

Congratulations to Shauna McDonnell who is an Ulster Colleges' Camogie All-Star. Shauna returned to her old...

Foundation Stage: Lucky Squares Winners

15th October 2019

Congratulations to our Lucky Square Hamper winners and the Hallowe'en Goodies winners. Well done everyone....

Cross Country Race I

9th October 2019

Round One of Athletics NI’s Primary School Cross-Country League took place at the Ulster University,...

Sunflower Competition

3rd October 2019

Congratulations to our new eco- warrior on growing one of the tallest sunflowers in the Mid and East Antrim...

Black Bag Recycling

2nd October 2019

A total of 91 clothing bags were recycled, raising a total of £240.75. Thank -you!

School Meals and Uniform Applications

1st October 2019

Please note information from the Education Authority regarding assistance with School Meals and Uniform...

Fr Lyons' Leaving Assembly

26th September 2019

Fr Lyons returned to the school for a special assembly, to give the children and staff in Mary Queen of Peace...

PTA Meeting

24th September 2019

PTA Meeting: Wednesday 25 September 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. in Martinstown Staffroom.All welcome.

Year 3 have a Visit from an Architect

22nd September 2019

This term P3 are learning about Houses and Homes for their World Around Us theme. They have been...