Grandparents' Day
31st January 2020
Grandparents' Day is such an important part of the school calendar and is now firmly established as the...
Trail Blazers Shared Education 2020
29th January 2020
Primary 6 are having a fantastic experience learning new skills in Digital Storytelling through the Wheel...
The School Council Meets Our VP - Mrs McNicholl
29th January 2020
The School Council welcomed our new Vice-Principal to the school with a get to know you conversation. The...
Book Fair
28th January 2020
Thank you for the support with the Book Fair. We will use the commission from the fair to buy books for the...
Year 2 Explore their Senses!
27th January 2020
The children in Primary 2 have been learning about their bodies and their 5 senses in Personal Development and...
Music in the Foundation Stage (Ys 1 & 2)
27th January 2020
The children and staff have been enjoying our music sessions provided to us courtesy of Jo Jingles (funding...
Admission to Primary 1 in September 2020
23rd January 2020
Key Dates for Parents: Admissions Process for Primary 1 Places in September 2020.
Grandparents' Day
23rd January 2020
Grandparents' Day Mass on Friday 31 January @ 9 a.m. This will be followed by refreshments in the Parish Hall...
Primary Schools' Cross-Country National Finals
22nd January 2020
Congratulations to our cross-country runners who competed in Athletics NI Primary Schools' Finals. To take...