AR @ Home
31st May 2020
Well done to our latest AR winners, both dedicated readers. Mrs McKeown was delighted to present our most...
Year 7 Leavers' Mass
30th May 2020
We very much want to celebrate a Leavers’ Mass with the children before everyone moves on to their...
'Be Aware Kids' Farm Safety Poster Competition
29th May 2020
Mary Queen of Peace Primary School works closely with the HSENI every year to help promote the important...
Accelerated Reader: Access to More Free On-Line Books
29th May 2020
Renaissance, the company that runs Accelerated Reader, are offering free on-line access to reading books....
AR Trillionaire!
29th May 2020
Our first ever AR Trillionaire! That is 3,000,000 words read in one school year (that doesn't even include...
Angela's SVP Fundraiser
28th May 2020
I have decided to run 200k in May in order to raise funds for St Vincent de Paul. The money raised will go...
27th May 2020
Mrs McKeown (Literacy Co-ordinator) delivered prizes to two more fantastic pupils who have excelled at...
AR @ Home
26th May 2020
Another well deserved AR @ Home prize winner, enjoying his treat in the early summer sun. Brilliant!
Primary 1 Learning at Home Pack 3
24th May 2020
Primary 1 Learning at Home Pack 3. Please remember to keep logging on to the school's website for additional...