Well-being Wednesday @ Hallowe'en
21st October 2020
Sharing and Empathy This week’s focus is about sharing with others and empathising with other people’s...
PTA Easy Fundraising Opportunity
20th October 2020
At a time when we may all have moved further towards online shopping and perhaps beginning to also think about...
The Season of Creation
19th October 2020
The Season Of Creation is marked throughout our Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of...
Pumpkin Challenge
16th October 2020
The pumpkins have gone home - it is over to you now. Enjoy the pumpkin challenge and thanks to GDCRA for the...
Half-Term School Closure
15th October 2020
Dear Parents, The Executive has announced that schools and other education settings will have the half-term...
Scary Scarecrow Competition
14th October 2020
The closing date for the Scary Scarecrow Competition is extended to Wednesday 28 October. Please email the...
Year 2 Virtual Pet Show
14th October 2020
As part of the 'World Around Us' topic work in year 2, the children have been learning all about different...
Well-being Wednesday: Self-Confidence
14th October 2020
Peri, the Proud Peacock This week’s Well-being Wednesday focus is about having self-confidence and feeling...
Parent Curriculum Overview
8th October 2020
Each term we issue a Parent Curriculum Overview for every class. The Parent Curriculum Overview lets you know...
GDCRA Pumpkin Challenge
7th October 2020
Please click on the attached document to find all the details on how to get involved in this very exciting...