Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Parent Curriculum Overview

8th October 2020


Each term we issue a Parent Curriculum Overview for every class. The Parent Curriculum Overview lets you know what your child is doing in literacy, maths and ICT. It also informs you about the big theme the children are studying each term in the World Around US. Children learn best when their learning is connected across the curriculum and you can connect to what you child is studying through the Parent Curriculum Overview.

The Parent Curriculum Overview will also let you know about other things that are happening in the curriculum e.g. PE days.

In Term 1 we also send parents a copy of the classroom/playground rules charter the children have signed up to in each year group.

Given the year that we are in, there are a couple of notable items:

- Parent Curriculum Overview includes information on blended learning and how the children will use online learning in their curriculum through Seesaw (Ys1-3), Google Classroom (Ys4-7), Mathletics (Ys1-7) and Accelerated Reader (Ys4-7);

- Rules relating to the Covid-19 restarting of the school.

A copy of the Parent Curriculum Overview and Rules has been emailed to you and can also be accessed it on the website by clicking on Our School and then scrolling down to Parent Curriculum Overview, where you will be able to select your child's class.

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