Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Christmas Half the Pot

27th November 2021


For the four weeks leading up to Christmas we will have the return of our Christmas Half the Pot fundraiser.

At the beginning of each week we will ask families to sell 5 tickets.

Please ask friends and family to buy one of the children’s Half the Pot envelopes (cost £1) and write your name & tel. no. on the front of the envelope. The seller will return the envelope to the school.

The first draw will take place on Friday 3 December with Draw 2 on Friday 10 December. Week 3 and Week 4 will be a double rollover, with the final draw taking place on Tuesday 21 December (just in time for Christmas!).

The proceeds of the draw will go towards purchasing a music scheme and equipment for the school.

Good luck everyone!

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