Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Christmas 2020

6th November 2020


It may be a year unlike any we have ever know but in Glenravel that hasn't stopped us celebrating important events in the children's lives. We successfully and safely celebrated First Communion and Confirmation in September, followed by a fantastic Hallowe'en. Next up it is Christmas, which is very important to all of us.

The PTA in conjunction with the residents' association have once again come together to organise community events to celebrate Christmas, in the unusual circumstances we all find ourselves in. Please find below a letter outlining the plans to organise a socially distanced visit from Santa to your own home and a drive-in Christmas film in the church car park.

Our friends in the playgroup are also joining in the events, to make this a Glenravel Christmas.

The children are voting for the Christmas film they would like to see at the drive-in. The excitement builds!

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