Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Arrangements for the Leavers’ Mass

19th June 2020


Arrangements for the Leavers’ Mass

  • Leavers’ Mass: Thursday 25 June @ 1 p.m. in the church car park. This will be an outdoor mass and we would ask you to be parked by 12.50 p.m.
  • On the way into the car park a member of staff will give you a number of copies of the Leavers’ Mass booklet and direct you where to park.
  • Please leave a parking bay between your car and the next car.
  • The children do not have to wear their school uniform.
  • As a result of social distancing rules, the hymns will be sung by the P7 teachers but we would encourage the children to join in. The hymns will be posted in Google Classroom.
  • Mr Conlon and Mrs McNicholl will be responsible for the readings and prayers.
  • There will be no communion.
  • At the end of the mass Mr Conlon will invite the children to individually come forward and receive a presentation pack, containing gifts from the school. We hope that the leavers’ hoodies will be ready for this date.
  • After the pupils receive their presentation pack we will ask the children, in socially distanced groups of eight, to remain and have their photograph taken. We will merge the group photographs, later, into a Leavers’ Class Photograph. We need the weather to be kind for us.
  • Unfortunately, because of social distancing restrictions, we will not be able to have any catering after the mass.

This has been a year unlike any other but we are so looking forward to inviting the children back, with their families, to celebrate mass with the school staff. After mass the children’s Digital Yearbook will go live on the website, celebrating everything that is good about our leavers' contribution to school life.

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