Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Young Enterprise - P7's Crazy Carnival Sale Day

26th May 2023


Sale day for Primary 7's Crazy Carnival business took place today and the excitement was electric!

The Primary 7 pupils set up their four stalls in the school hall, selling loombands, keychains, popcorn and three different flavours of chocipops. Sales were great and everyone had a brilliant time buying and selling.

This is the first Young Enterprise day in MQP and based on the success of today, it most certainly won't be the last. The Primary 7 pupils have learnt so much from this Business Beginnings programme which employs a whole school approach to the curriculum delivery of enterprise skills and financial education. We certainly have a few budding entrepreneurs amongst us. Watch out Lord Sugar!

With the profits, the Primary 7 children gave away a 10% Legacy Donation. This will contribute to the start up capital needed to get next year’s Primary 7 business off the ground. The remainder of the profit will be used to pay for a bus to transport the Primary 7 supports to the girl’s All County football final at St. Louis’ GS on 7 June.

Quotes from the Primary 7 class:

" I never thought making a business could be so much fun!"

" All our hard work was worth it!"

"Calculating our profit was a fun way to do maths!"

"Team work really does make the dream work!"

Thank you to our in-house photographer, Kacie, for capturing moments from our 'Crazy Carnival' sale - the key word is in the name...CRAZY! 😊

The Loomband stall
The Chocipop stall
The Popcorn stall
The keychain stall
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Tidy Up Time
Tidy Up Time
Counting the profits
Counting the profits
Keychains on sale
Keychains on sale
Crazy Carnival

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