Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Y4 Learn About The Chinese New Year.

15th February 2018


The Year of the Dog.

As part of our topic on 'Celebrations', the children in Y4 enjoyed learning about the festival of the Chinese New Year.

This year Chinese people around the world will celebrated their New Year's Day on Friday the 16th February when they will welcome in the Year of the Dog!

Some of the children in Y4 were born during the Year of the Ox and some were born in the Year of the Tiger. They enjoyed creating their very own puppet show to tell the story behind the Chinese Zodiac calendar.

A special thank you to Lucy for coming to our classroom and explaining the different traditions associated with Chinese New Year. Lucy also taught the children some Chinese greetings as well as 3 of the basic writing strokes which form the beautiful Chinese writing that we all know. Very interesting indeed.

To end our day we had fun playing some traditional chinese playground games and we even had a go at one or two Suduko puzzles!

The fortune cookies provided great excitement amongst the 'Tigers' and the 'Oxen'.

Enjoy the photos (and the puppet show)!

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