Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Y3 Shared Ed Trip to W5

23rd June 2022


Primary 3 joined with their friends at Camphill, for one last day of fun before summer.

We have enjoyed our Shared Education journey and celebrated by having lots of fun at W5. We took part in a Space Race workshop, made rockets and got the chance to use the Climbit climbing frame. We had a great time and can't wait until our next meet up in the new school year!

P3 W5D
P3 W5G
P5 W5C
P3 W5E
P3 W5F
P3 W5B
P3 W5A
P3 W5
P3 W5 Z
P3 W5 Y
P3 W5 X

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