Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

World Maths Day: Family Maths Quiz

10th March 2018


World Maths Day will take place in the school on Monday 12 March 2018.  To get ready for the day we staged a fun, family quiz in the Parish Centre on Saturday 10 March.

The children and their families enjoyed the maths activities on the day. There was plenty of fun and challenge too, for every age!  We appreciate the support of all of the families who took part in the quiz.  Congratulations to our prize winning family and the individuals who won the special challenges.

Thank-you to the PTA for their assistance with staging the event and for their continued support for the school.  Fundraising  by the PTA has been invested in curricular resources and playtime equipment for the children.  The money raised from the Family Quiz will be used to specifically purchase maths resources to support the development of mental maths (a School Development Plan priority).

Enjoy the photos.

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