Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

World Book Day 2018

2nd March 2018


The snow couldn’t stop us from making World Book Day 2018 another memorable occasion for MQP.

The costumes were great and all of the staff (yes all of the staff!) entered into the spirit of the day.

A battle of the classroom doors even broke out between Y2 and Y7.  You can decide who the winner is.

Thank-you to Mrs McKeown and everyone in school and at home who helped make WBD 2018 another great day for the school.  Enjoy the photos.

Three Little Pigs
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Y2 Classroom Door
Y7''s Favourite Book
Y7's Classroom Door
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Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club

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