Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Trócaire Bun Sale

12th March 2018


St Patrick's Day Celebrations


Year 4 will be hosting a BUN SALE in aid of Trócaire on Friday 16th March. 

Each Year 4 pupil is asked to bring in some buns to sell. (They can be bought or baked!) The children from classes Year 1-7 will then get an opportunity to come to the Year 4 classroom to buy buns at a cost of 25p per bun. 

We will supply all the children with a small sandwich bag in which to put their bought buns in, but is perhaps a good idea to send a small lunch box to school with your child that day in case they prefer to take their buns home. This will ensure they don't get squashed.
If your child has an allergy please speak to the class teacher.

Year 4 children should have their names on any tins/boxes used to transport their buns to school. 

Enjoy the baking and many thanks in advance,

Mrs L Gormley & the Year 4 class.

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