Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


24th March 2017


This year's Lenten charity fundraising is up and running.  Our principal charity is Trócaire but we will also support other local and international charities during the year.

Y4 have already held a Bun Sale (Y4) and there was a whole school collection on Green Day.  The P1 children also collect copper coins every Wednesday and Friday, on both sites.  They have been helped by a generous donation from the parish and a local business.  Thank-you very much for this.

Y7 had a Toast Sale on Friday 24 March 2017 and cleverly marketed it with posters and a poem:

Our boys and girls are in for a treat

Primary 7 are giving them something scrumptious to eat

This Friday we are having a Trócaire Toast break

Donate 20p and a slice you can take.

Smoothie Day (Y5) took place on Friday 31 March.  A new idea for this year and one that fits in with our healthy eating culture.

Y2 have organised an Easter egg raffle, Y3 are running a colouring competition and Y6 are selling ballots for a super chocolate hamper (kindly donated by a Y6 family).

Y7 Charity Jumble sale will be in the Parish Centre on Monday 10 April.

Keep an eye on the website for news and photographs from fundraising events.

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