Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Stitching Generations Club

27th June 2018


We finished the school year with our final session of the Stitching Generations' Club and the final after-school club of the year (the 19th).

In the stitching club the generations came together in Mary Queen of Peace, under Mrs Hynds’ leadership, to crochet work for Feis na nGleann.  In doing so the skills of crochet were passed down from our experience parishioners to the younger generation.  We hope the skills will be kept alive and thriving and passed on for many more years to come.

MQP is a community school and we are very grateful to the ladies who came into the school to patiently teach our pupils.  We loved the club (very often there was cake, in fact there was something sweet every week).  It was a clever and unique idea and we look forward to its return in the new school year.

Work from the club will be on display in the Feis, which is being staged in All Saints' GAC, Ballymena on the weekend of 14-15 July 2018.

The school made a contribution to the Apostolic Work in the parish as a thank-you.

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