Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

St. Patrick's Day

16th March 2017


MQP marked St. Patrick’s Day with a celebration of Irish culture.  The day started with a whole school assembly in the Parish Centre.  Mr Magee’s Y6 class used dance, art, music, drama and prayer to bring the St. Patrick’s story alive for all our pupils.  Thank-you very much to the Y6 class for all their work. 

Later in the day our Irish dancers, from a range of dance schools, treated us to a festival of dancing.  Of course, being Irish and to celebrate the national holiday, we all took part in a dance as well.  Sure, why wouldn’t we?  Of course a song or two was also shared.

We also celebrated St. Patrick’s Feast Day by dressing in green and raising money for Trócaire as part of Green Day.  There was also a bun sale organised by Y4.  Thank-you to everyone at home who helped with the baking of our St. Patrick’s Day treats.

Enjoy the day off school and we hope you all have a lovely family day. 

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig

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