Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Shared Education: Success!

3rd February 2025


We are delighted to announce that Mary Queen of Peace PS, and our partners Camphill PS (Ballymena) will continue their partnership, after a successful application to the ASPIRE PeacePlus Shared Education programme.

Our partnership with Camphill Primary School began in 2018 and grew into a friendship between pupils and staff, in both schools, from Primary 1 to 7. MQP children visited Camphill school and, in turn, the Ballymena children came out Glenravel to visit us. Throughout the programme the children shared lessons, based on the work that was taking place in both schools. The staff also collaborated on developing teaching resources which would go on to enhance the curriculum in both schools.

The funding for the original Shared Education work came to an end for all schools last year. However, we maintained our links through on-line meet-ups. Our successful joint application will release funding to allow visits between the schools to resume. For 2024-25 this will begin with Primary 5 and 7, before expanding to other classes in the coming years. As before, the work will be based around what the children, in both schools, are learning. For Primary 5 this means work on this term’s theme – Water and even a visit to Rathlin Island. While P7 will become young business entrepreneurs, including a visit to Wrightbus. There will also be a transition project to help the Camphill and MQP pupils make an easy switch to post-primary school. Work starts immediately after the half-term break, with all the key dates listed on the website.

We will keep you all updated on the project via the Seesaw and the school’s website.

Good luck everyone.

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