Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

School Council

21st October 2016


School Council elections took place on Friday 21 October 2016 with Y4-7 pupils going to the polls to elect a male and female school councillor for each of the year groups.   At Mary Queen of Peace PS we want to consult with the children when making decisions about the school.                            

The election process started with class nominations and this was followed by an election campaign. 

Mr Magee’s Y6 class did a brilliant job conducting the election and ensuring that there was an up to date electoral roll, ID for voters and even proper polling booths and a real ballot box.

Election results were eagerly awaited by the candidates and voters alike.  This year's councillors are:

Joe & Cara (Y4)

Callum & Ashley (Y5)

Ger & Orlaith (Y6)

Cormac & Maeve (Y7)

The standard of election posters and campaign slogans was exceptional.  Thank-you to everyone at home and in school who helped support the candidates.  This is a sample of the slogans: 

'' Molly 'The Real Deal' McNeill.  Vote for me.''

''Float like a butterfly.  Sting like a bee.  Don't vote for them, vote for me.''

Our first School Council Meeting will be held next week.  

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