Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Safer Internet Day 2025

4th February 2025


Safer Internet Day is the country's biggest celebration of online safety. It aims to address any concerning issues or themes that young people are seeing and experiencing online.

Safer Internet Day 2025 will take place internationally on the 11th of February 2025, but because of a clash with the midterm holidays, many schools are marking this important day on Tuesday 4th February.

This year the celebrations and learning focus around the theme ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘.

Today in MQP, the teachers provided a range of informative and engaging activities around being safe online, as well as addressing the buzz words, SCAMMING and PHISHING.

In the Foundation Stage, Smartie the Penguin taught the pupils how to be safer on the internet. He told them how to keep their personal information safe and how to ask for help if something makes them scared or worried. The children made their very own Smartie the Penguin to keep them safe at home.

Primary 3 read the story 'Digiduck and the Magic Castle.' They discussed how Digiduck made the mistake of giving away personal information online. They then played a game of true or false about what information we keep safe and what we can share online.

P4 really enjoyed learning about scamming and conning people during Safer Internet Day. The children watched the article on the Newsdesk website, where the journalist explained how he was recently conned when he tried to buy a bike online that was "too good to be true!"

In KS2, Primary 5 kicked off with a lovely virtual meet-up with their friends from Camphill Primary School, where Miss McGurk hosted an exciting online quiz about internet safety. They then delved into terms like 'phishing' and 'scams' using the Trustworthy Trout, to help spot online scams. Using the J2Easy platform, they analysed emails and discussed why they thought some of them might be scams. To top it off, everyone watched a Newsdesk report that reinforced the learning.

In Primary 6, the pupils highlighted key things to look out for, with regards to phishing and scamming. They completed a carousel activity with the “Let’s Go Phishing” game, an iPad quiz, “Scenarios - Scam or Not a Scam?” and an internet safety word search.

Primary 7 pupils made 'Scamming and Phishing' information fortune tellers to use in the playground with the P4 and P5 pupils. Some of the other P7 pupils put their iMovie skills to the test by producing short information movies. The movies will be shared with the P5 and P6 pupils, explaining the terms SCAMMING and PHISHING and what to do if they think they are being scammed. Have a look at two of the videos below.

We hope the pupils in MQP are more confident than ever in remembering to seek help from adults and think twice when something seems too good to be true!

What a fantastic way to stay safe online!

Mrs Gormley

ICT Coordinator

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