9th January 2018

Our first PTA meeting of 2018 will be on Thursday 18 January @ 6.45 p.m. in Cargan.
The two main items on the agenda will be planning for the Summer Fair and preparations for Grandparents’ Day.
If you are available to assist with catering on Grandparents’ Day (1 February) but unable to make the PTA meeting, then please forward your name to either Mrs McConway or the school secretary.
We are also delighted to announce that the PTA has secured a £3,000 grant to purchase iPads. The PTA plan to use the equipment to provide an introductory course in the use of iPads for the local community and then donate the iPads to the school.
The PTA provide valuable assistance to the school and we would encourage parents to join the association. The financial support we receive from the PTA (fundraising, grant applications) has allowed us to improve the children’s curriculum and playtime. In addition, the PTA also supports MQP in celebrating important occasions in the school calendar such as Grandparents’ Day and First Holy Communion. This year the PTA has also supported mindfulness as an extra-curricular activity for the pupils as well as organising women’s health events for the local community.
Our PTA is doing wonderful work for the school and for Glenravel. We would like to extend an invitation to parents to join the group. New members bring new energy and commitment. You will be made feel very welcome.