Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


12th October 2016


The PTA Committee for the school year was established at tonight’s meeting.  We also discussed events and fundraisers for the year which will focus on family participation. Our first event will be a family quiz at the club before Christmas. 

Mrs McConway will be in contact with parents in the coming weeks to help organise the family quiz.  We know that there are very many parents who want to help out at events and we would encourage you to attend the meeting or let Mrs McConway know that you are available to help out.

Fundraising this year will be used to support play in the Foundation Stage (P1-2), a new school team kit, environmental enhancements on both sites and Information Communication Technology (ICT) improvements to the curriculum.

We are particularly keen to hear from parents who can help support staff with visits to music and sporting competitions. 

Please look out for updates on the school’s website and in November’s Newsletter.  A dedicated PTA section on the website will be coming soon.

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