Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Prize Day 2022

17th June 2022

Prize Day 2022

Congratulations to all our prize winners and their families from Mary Queen of Peace’s 2022 Prize Day.

It was good to have Prize Day back in its traditional format.

As our school year nears its end, Prize Day was a fitting way to celebrate the children’s achievements in sport, the arts, culture, academic studies and friendships. Individual trophies were presented to the children by their teachers, as well as medals for the winning teams from Sports Day.

Prize Day is also an opportunity to remember the busy year that has just passed. It was a challenging year with Covid, but the children and the school’s staff did an amazing job in ensuring that all of the special events went ahead this year: school sport teams, after school clubs, School Council, trips (there were a lot of trips!), the sacraments, Trócaire, Shared Education, music tuition (singing, piano, violin), Sports Day, World Book & Maths Day, and much, much more.

Our special guest on Prize Day was Matthew Donnelly. Matthew brought with him the Joe McDonagh which Antrim hurlers won in Croke Park. To the delight of the children, Matthew presented sports prizes and had selfies taken with the pupils. Great photos, thank-you and well done to Matthew and the boys.

We finished Prize Day with a special school song. What a wonderful day in MQP.😊

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