Personal Development & Mutual Understanding in the Restart Curriculum
6th October 2020

Personal Development & Mutual Understanding (PDMU) is a very important part of the Restart Curriculum, following the school closure. We have created time in the curriculum to support the pupils' personal development after such a long time away from school.
There are a number of exciting programmes which we will launch in the coming weeks to support personal development, including yoga. We have been able to bring you these programmes following successful grant applications by the PTA. More details will follow.
This is the fourth week of Wellbeing Wednesdays, Oleg the Observant Owl’s message is about developing the children’s knowledge of themselves as powerful and wise little people. The children will learn to begin to control their emotions, words and actions by thinking before reacting to different situations. When they do this there will be more positive outcomes.
They children will learn to pause and think, like the Observant Owl, and use this knowledge to find the most appropriate action. Our pupils will think about different situations they have been in or may encounter and plan how they will react in the best way, considering which words to use or actions to take.
The children will increasingly understand their own emotions more and that they have the power or control to make good choices.