Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Parent Survey Findings

29th January 2018


In November 2017 we undertook a major consultation on the school community’s views on the ethos of the new school, behaviour and anti-bullying.  Parents, pupils and staff were all consulted and a report on the parents’ findings are available to download (below).

There was a very high response rate to the survey and an overwhelmingly positive endorsement for the school and its staff.              

The findings of the survey have been reviewed and discussed by the staff.  We will now use this information to shape our School Development Plan (SDP) which helps us plan for the school’s future curriculum, pastoral care, finance, staffing, accommodation and community links. 

 Thank-you for taking the time to complete the survey and for your wonderful support for Mary Queen of Peace PS.                  

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