Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


Accelerated Reader: End of Term Report

11th June 2018

Yet another AR millionaire and a very well deserved AR prize for a special pupil. Well done. Mrs...

Farm Safety

11th June 2018

We are a rural parish and farm safety is one of the topics the children study during Term III, as part of...

Glenravel Ju-jitsu Club

10th June 2018

Well done to five of our pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 who successfully earned their next belt at the National...

Sports Day

7th June 2018

Sports Day has been changed to Tuesday 12 June. The change has been made because the weather forecast, at this...

Menu Change

7th June 2018

The School Meals Service has informed us of the following menu changes:Week 2Wednesday 13: Roast Pork instead...

Road Safety

6th June 2018

Road Safety is an important part of our Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) curriculum and...

The Big Clean

6th June 2018

Our Y7 s pupils were supporting Glenravel and District Community and Residents’ Association with a community...

Y1 & Y2 School Trip

31st May 2018

It’s one of the highlights of the school year for the Foundation Stage children – their annual school...

Y5 School Trip

31st May 2018

Y5 visited Watertop Open Farm for their school trip. The weather wasn't as kind as it has been recently but...

2018 Fundraiser

31st May 2018

This year’s school fundraiser is Lucky Squares.  Your support for Mary Queen of Peace PS is very...