Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


Accessing Remote Learning Using the Xbox and the Playstation Consoles

10th January 2021

Not every family has an available laptop or PC that can be used for remote learning, as devices may be used by...

January Online Safety Newsletter

6th January 2021

Does your child have a Xbox or a PlayStation? This month's newsletter will give parents a few pointers to help...

My School Passwords P4-7

6th January 2021

If your password has expired or needs reset please go to the Downloads section of the website (green bar) and...

Term II

4th January 2021

The Department of Education has announced changes to the start of the Term II, which will mean that when we...

Happy New Year

1st January 2021

Happy New Year from the governors, staff and pupils of Mary Queen of Peace PS. Challenges lie ahead of us all...

‘Twas the Night before Christmas in MQP

24th December 2020

Happy Christmas from all the staff in Mary Queen of Peace PS. We hope you enjoy our wee Christmas gift to you.

Carol Service

18th December 2020

We are delighted to premiere our Carol Service. In a year unlike any other we had a vision of reimaging...

Christmas Card Competition Winners

18th December 2020

Congratulations to both of our Christmas Card Competition Winners. One of the entries was used for the...

Principal's Christmas Breaktime Treat

18th December 2020

The children enjoyed an end of term treat from the Principal, as a very important year comes to a close. With...

MQP Grand Draw (Weeks 4 & 5)

18th December 2020

Congratulations to the winners of Week 4 & Week 5: MQP Grand Draw. Week 4: Marie Higgins £250. Week 5:...