Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


Anti-Bullying Week 2020

ABW2020- Odd Socks Day

16th November 2020

Odd Socks Day is a good way to remind us all that it is Anti-Bullying Week. This year's theme is 'United...

School Photographer: Postponed

13th November 2020

The school photographer was due in school on Tuesday 17 November. Unfortunately, this visit has been postponed...

Week 8 Theme: Positive Thinking

11th November 2020

This week’s Wellbeing Wednesday focus is about thinking about the bigger picture and being positive in...

Anti-Bullying Week 2020

10th November 2020

Anti-Bullying Week is an annual event held which aims to raise awareness of bullying of children and young...

MQP Grand Draw

9th November 2020

It is now the FINAL WEEK to sell or buy tickets for our MQP GRAND DRAW. We would ask for one FINAL PUSH to...

Christmas 2020

6th November 2020

It may be a year unlike any we have ever know but in Glenravel that hasn't stopped us celebrating important...

Change to Dinner Menu 09-20 November 2020

6th November 2020

Unfortunately, the kitchen which usually supplies our school dinners will be closed for a fortnight. As a...

Free Microsoft Office 365

6th November 2020

Please find attached a helpsheet for downloading Office 365 for free.

Launching our Online Safety Monthly Newsletter.

5th November 2020

The first of our monthly Online Safety Newsletters will go live on Thursday 5 November 2020. This newsletter...

​Wellbeing Wednesday Week 7 Theme: Being Brave

3rd November 2020

This week’s focus is about being brave when faced with uncertainty or problems. The children will learn to...