Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Mrs Sheila Gallagher

27th June 2018


Mrs Sheila Gallagher has retired following eleven years’ service in the school, first in Glenravel PS and then in Mary Queen of Peace PS.  Sheila returned to the school this week to say goodbye to the children and her colleagues.  We wish Sheila and her family all our very best for the future and a thank-you from the governors, parents, staff and pupils of the school.

The children and staff also thanked Mrs Pauline Mulholland, Mrs Dawn Dougan and Miss Chloe Higgins for all of their work in the school.  Our very best wishes and a big thank-you from everyone in MQP.

Finally, thank-you to our parents who presented beautiful gifts to the school’s staff at our final assembly.  We very much appreciate your kindness and generosity.

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