Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Mrs Josie Kelly

9th February 2017


Mary Queen of Peace PS celebrated Mrs Josie Kelly’s thirty two years as a school secretary with a special assembly for friends, family, staff and pupils.

Josie was secretary in St. Mary’s Primary School, Cargan and worked with three different principals.  At her retirement assembly Mr Dominic Kerr and Ms Anne-Marie McDonnell, former school principals, were able to join her again to celebrate her career.   Following the amalgamation of Glenravel’s two primary schools Josie agreed to stay on as school secretary to help the new school of Mary Queen of Peace PS to become established.  This was typical of Josie who put others, especially the children, first throughout her career.

At the assembly the infants composed and performed their own song for Josie, while the school choir also sang one of Josie’s favourite tunes.  Mr McKenna’s Y5 class provide the humour with a wonderfully funny sketch and Y7 composed and performed their own poem.  Josie was also presented with a quilt which was produced by the children and depicts scenes from her career in St. Mary’s PS and Mary Queen of Peace PS.

The people of Glenravel parish also appreciated Josie’s work and they presented her with a beautiful picture of her home glen, while the parents and children presented flowers and jewellery to their much loved secretary.

After thirty two years of wonderful service Josie can now enjoy her retirement with her family.  She will though continue to be a part of the life of Mary Queen of Peace PS, as a grandparent and everyone in the school will always be glad to see her.

Thank-you Josie.  Our very best wishes to you and your family.

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