Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Matilda the Mini Musical

6th June 2024


Congratulations to the boys and girls in Primary 5 – 7 for three wonderful public performances of Matilda the Mini Musical.

The packed houses in the Parish Hall were treated to magical displays of song, dance and acting. Our pupils, under the guidance of the school’s staff and Katie Patton (Warkwick Avenue Productions), have put in so much effort over the last couple of months to bring a West End class production to Glenravel. Well done everyone, we are so proud of you.

Thank-you very much to our sponsors, for their assistance with producing the musical; as well as thanks to Katie Patton, her team and our school staff.

Music and drama are a significant part of our vision for the children’s education in Mary Queen of Peace PS. As well as music in the school curriculum we also have piano, violin and singing tuition every week. A school choir also adds to the musical tradition in MQP. The arts in education is an important part of the children’s learning. Matilda the Mini Musical has given the pupils the opportunity to show everyone the wonderful talent they have in the arts.

Enjoy the photos.

Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
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Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
Matilda the Mini Musical
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