Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Maths Mastery

8th February 2024


As we reach the mid-way point in our school year, we would like to give you an insight into our new Maths Scheme; Maths Mastery in MQP.

Maths Mastery ensures all our pupils, from Y1-Y7, receive consistent, impactful, practical, active, engaging maths lessons, sequenced to support pupils’ development of fluency, mathematical talk, reasoning and problem-solving.

From one year group to the next there is progression in the pupils’ learning material. Lessons are differentiated and pupils are consistently being challenged. Children have mathematical opportunities and experiences that are also linked to real life situations.

All our Maths Mastery lessons follow a six-part structure:

  1. Do Now
  2. New Learning
  3. Talk Task or Let’s Explore
  4. Develop Learning
  5. Independent Task
  6. Plenary

Assessment for learning opportunities are created, constantly building upon what pupils are learning at every stage in the lesson.

The 6 parts of the lesson create opportunities to develop:

  • Language & communication
  • Conceptual understanding and
  • Mathematical thinking

Core development points within a 6-part lesson:

  • Key vocabulary is regularly modelled and used meaningfully
  • Opportunities for pair and pupil talk
  • Opportunities to reason and make connections
  • Multiple opportunities for key assessment
  • Development of concepts and representations
  • Opportunities to address misconceptions and
  • Links to real life situations

Maths Meetings are also a vital part of the programme, building pupil fluency and oracy. They take place 3-5 times per week for 10-15 minutes, outside of the maths lesson, and provide flexible, fun retrieval opportunities. They allow pupils to develop fluency, consolidate and embed prior learning, and build their mathematical language with a real sense of joy. Maths Meetings activities generates energy and enthusiasm for maths in every classroom.

Mrs McNicholl

Maths Co-ordinator

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