Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Lucky Squares

16th June 2018

Lucky Squares 2018

Lucky Squares has been an outstanding success and we would like to thank the children and their families for their wonderful support.  The money raised will be used to purchase playground equipment for the children, on both sites, as well as supporting after school clubs and teams.  We could only do this with your support.  Go raibh maith agaibh.   

The Lucky Square number was 10.  A £10 winning prize will be issued to each of the winners (this will go home in an envelope on Tuesday 19 June, with the pupils’ reports).

There were also three sellers’ prizes and they are pictured below with their prizes.  Well done and we hope you have many happy hours enjoying your well-earned gift.

Lucky Squares was a fantastic, whole school (and parish) effort.  With the support of our sponsor (Smyths), we will present every child in the school with a Lego gift.


Lucky Squares 2018
Lucky Squares 2018
Odd Socks Day
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