Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Leavers' Mass & Presentation

30th June 2021


Year 7 pupils finished their seven years in primary school with a beautiful Leavers' Mass in the grounds of our parish church.

For the first two years the children were pupils in St. Mary's PS, Cargan and Glenravel PS; before coming together as Mary Queen of Peace PS. New friendships were formed and the children's talents blossomed across the primary school curriculum.

Following the mass there was a special red carpet Leavers' Presentation Ceremony for the P7 children, where the uniqueness of each child was recognised. The pupils were presented with a special Leavers' Treat Bag, to mark their time and wonderful contribution to the school. This included: a personalised cupcake, an individual Award Certificate presented by the P7 teachers, You are Special Frame presented to each child by their classmates, a personalised Class of 2021 Leavers' Medal (on behalf of the PTA), a Leavers' Prayer and a wee snack for the final part of the Leavers' Ceremony. Finally, the boys and girls then took their position in the leavers' photo frame for a very special farewell from MQP photograph.

The children, in turn, presented to their parents and our community a wonderful Leavers' Film. We hope the children, their families and everyone connected to Glenravel (home and abroad) enjoy this very special film.

Thank-you to everyone who taught, nurtured and cared for the children on the journey through the school. We would also like to acknowledge the local experts who assisted with the film's production; and to Fr Lyons and Fr Conor for their spiritual guidance.

Most of all we would like to thank the children themselves. Today is not a sad day, it is a happy day. You have achieved so much and you are now ready for the next stage of your journey.

Enjoy the film, have a great summer and fly high in September in your new school.

Thank-you boys and girls.

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7 Ed6523 D 97 C1 49 Be 9897 1 Aedf9 Bb4 C29
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692 Be264 28 D4 4930 8760 9 Beef4466448
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98 Fd72 F7 Aa86 48 B6 878 A Abb6 Cf923 C58
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299 B9 Ca8 0 F34 4485 B7 F7 Ac7813 Cab8 F4
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266 E971 E 1 Ed7 44 A9 8 F1 E 1 Dd81 Bd83 E68
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Ce60 Bf6 A 2 Cb1 4574 9 A29 2 F3 E013 Ccc23
4 D6 Ddec5 B044 41 Da 937 C 31 E362 Fcc3 Bb
90 Cb7 Aef A66 E 46 Bf 978 E 7 Dc2 Bee188 Fc
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74914096 1 Cbd 4 Af2 A135 3 E7 F93869 D26
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28 A2 E33 A 8 E7 A 4581 B752 D12 A6 Bbd26 C3
44 F3 Fe00 2492 4612 Af0 D 61 E19 A2 B1731
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7 F553 E5 B 0 D6 A 4 A76 934 C 6033967 Cca28
04 Da27 E6 36 Df 4 D2 D 8 A96 5751 Dc03 Ef90
7 F0 Ad22 F 7833 4474 98 Cc 3 E77 Bc2 D5 A03

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